Film Scoring

Learn more about the primary service offered by Smith Music Lab and how we will elevate your project with the right tone of music. 


Writing a film score is a unique collaboration between director and composer and the tradition of great films being built on this partnership goes back decades. Whether it’s the movies of Speilberg and Williams, or Zemeckis and Silvestri, or Cameron and Horner, a meeting of minds between director and composer is essential to a successful film. I have been working with directors on projects now for the past 10 years, and I’ve learned how to decode their non-musical or musical adjacent language and channel the vision and emotional life of the story into my scores. Sometimes this is no easy task and requires patience from both parties as we navigate each other’s particular expertise and special gift for storytelling.

At the end of the day, we are trying to lift the screenplay off the page and into this visual, emotional medium of film. I know full well that I am one of many elements to make this happen, and I’ve spent a long time not only honing my craft as a composer, but getting to know how my role fits into the grander scheme of post production.
If we collaborate on a project, I will bring the utmost care and sensitivity to the countless hours you have logged prior to joining up with me in getting your vision out of the development stage and into the production stage. Take a look at some of the other projects I’ve done for directors in my Portfolio to see what I could do for you.

Featured Work

Danny Shooting Bow

Danny and the Wild Bunch

This score was written for a composing competition I entered into called Film Fest Gent. The major lessons learned here were how to write for

LB2 Album Art Web Compressed

Lil Balzac 2

This was the first film score I wrote for a mid-length film, coming in at about 24 minutes of music for a 38 minute film.

Spring Sprite

From the Ashes – International

This was a piece I wrote for a composing and conducting program called LAFCI (Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive). LAFCI is a selective program that

Film Score Examples


This was a 5-Minute promotional video that I scored for Planned Parenthood Northern California. It focused on the history of Planned Parenthood and how it has always been a champion for women’s rights and women’s health. My score touched on emotions like sadness and the despair that some feel when confronted with difficult choices in life, and then transitioned to emotions of hopefulness and boldness that define the comprehensive programs offered by PPNorCal.



This was a short promotional video I scored for Marlboro College’s Beautiful Minds Challenge. The Challenge is a competition to come up with innovative and unique “change” ideas for your community and submit them. The winner receives a full tuition scholarship to Marlboro colleges and other prizes are awarded to runner-up submissions. The tone of the music I chose was one of gears turning and ideas coming to life.


Contact Smith Music Lab

Smith Music Lab is here to work with you in all your music needs.