Film Scores

Check out some of my best work and learn more about the story behind each project. 

Best Work

Below are some of the best scenes I've scored with descriptions of the context and story behind each cue. 

Danny and the Wild Bunch Competition Score

Robert Rugan tells the story of a struggling children’s author as she fights to keep her artistic vision whilst still having a chance of being offered a publishing deal. But when she decides to make a few changes to her characters, things don’t quite go to plan…

Noah Smith is a Boulder, Colorado based Film Composer with years of education and short films/education/promotional videos under his belt. To hear more of his work visit:

Lil Balzac 2 - Heist Aftermath

This is a cue I scored from the film Lil’ Balzac 2, produced by Angus Reid and Austin Rice. In this scene we see our heist crew’s plans go awry when a smoke detector is mysteriously triggered following Balzac’s emergence from a dumpster, wreaking of smoked bath salts. It’s a rush to the getaway van and some will not escape unscathed in this pulsing scene that kicks off the rising action of the film. 

Lil Balzac 2 - Escape Scene

This is a cue I scored from the film Lil’ Balzac 2, produced by Angus Reid and Austin Rice. In this scene Balzac finally fully assumes his role as getaway driver amidst the chaos of fleeing from the scene of the crime. Cops on their tail and a fallen team member collide (literally), in this over-the-top car chase, escape, action sequence. 

Lil Balzac 2 - Final Fight

This is the final major action cue I scored from the film Lil’ Balzac 2, produced by Angus Reid and Austin Rice. Finally we have our big showdown between Balzac and now-gang-leader Florida sparked by the big reveal that “Cherry,” who Balzac has been pursuing romantically, is actually Sherry, Florida’s sister.

 An incensed Florida pursues Balzac through the streets of Brattleboro and a ridiculous fight complete with the mustard eye squirts, crotch shots, and epic uppercuts makes for a fitting Finale to this unexpected action heist film. 

Mars Science Lab "Curiosity" Video Clip Scored

This is a CGI video rendering clip of the launch and landing of the Mars “Curiosity” rover. I added original score to the video to demo my skills in scoring action/sci-fi and I submitted it for consideration to JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and their artistic department.

Fantasia 2000 "From the Ashes"

This was a piece I wrote and conducted with the Ruse Philharmonic in Ruse, Bulgaria during June of 2017. I re-scored a scene from Disney’s Fantasia 2000. The scene was originally accompanied by Stravinsky’s score to The Firebird, so, in keeping with the spirit of his composition I’ve entitled this piece From the Ashes, which is a reference to the Phoenix. I hope you enjoy my take on this timeless story of death and rebirth.

Planned Parenthood Northern California Promo Video

This was a 5-Minute promotional video that I scored for Planned Parenthood Northern California. It focused on the history of Planned Parenthood and how it has always been a champion for women’s rights and women’s health. 

My score touched on emotions like sadness and the despair that some feel when confronted with difficult choices in life, and then transitioned to emotions of hopefulness and boldness that define the comprehensive programs offered by PPNorCal.

WKID Solutions Promo Video

This score was for an 11 minute video to promote the problem solving framework developed and codified by E. Natasha Stavros. A system engineer with decades of experience in dealing with WKID problems, Natasha’s framework seeks to solve problems in politics, business, science and even socio-cultural arenas by reverse engineering the the knowledge hierarchy by thinking of Wisdom first. 

A fascinating look into the mind of a uniquely talented scientist, this score was a joy to write and gave me the opportunity to write dynamic music often from an abstract concept place rather than derived from characters or leitmotif. 

Natural Connections Trailer

This score was for a 4-minute trailer that tells the story of the environmental changes in the “crown of the continent” ecosystem. Narrated by filmmaker and environmental activist, Emma Crow-Willard, this film takes a deeper dive into a truly wondrous landscape the people who are its stewards. It was truly a joy to be part of a project I believe in so deeply and to bring this magnificent land to life through music. 

Noah’s Milestones

My career has been a decade long accumulation of skills and projects and here are some of my seminal moments. I want to add more. 

  • Graduating The Pacific NW Film Scoring Program

    In 2012 I graduated from the Pacific NW Film Scoring Program. This was a tremendous education for me, mentored by the masterful Hummie Mann and working with members of the Seattle Symphony on multiple occasions.

  • LAFCI Conducting Intensive

    The experience of composing an original orchestral work for a Bulgarian orchestra and then conducting that piece under the direction and expertise of Angel Velez and Conrad Pope was life changing and the end result was a composition I am immensely proud of.

  • Scoring My First Feature

    In 2022 I completed my first score for a feature film titled Lil’ Balzac 2. Though the film was an action comedy, the score was very serious work and the director wanted cues rich with leitmotif and melodic development. It was an invaluable experience in working with a director to achieve their vision.